Tuesday, December 21, 2010
The Boob Tube
Friday, December 10, 2010
The New Age of Picture Taking
These days, you will find a camera in the hands of nearly every man, woman, and child. The number of photographs being taken must be in the millions. And for me that transfers to the real joy of creating an image.
Thousands of people each day photograph life. Sometimes the photographs represent great joy and sometimes, unfortunately, great sorrow. But still, images are being created and these images form a bond between us. As humans we see that our lives are very similar because of these images. And if we take a moment to think about that, maybe these feelings of likeness will create an atmosphere of kindness.
For me and my family, we turn to the iPhone and a couple of our favorite photography apps. Once the shots are taken we all pick our favorite filters and off the images go to the world wide web. We're sharing our lives more and more these days. From a run down the beach to words painted on a hotel room wall, we are recording life. What a joy.
These are just a few of the hundreds of images we took just in the past week. Enjoy having a look and please please please get out there and take photos. Life is happening.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
The Process
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Charlotte School of Law Viewbook
Have a look.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010
A day in the Apple Orchard

Monday, September 6, 2010
Nice Surprises

Thursday, July 29, 2010
Skyline: Charlotte, NC

Monday, June 21, 2010
Caring for My Soul
Beside my desk, or bed, or favorite chair, or even in the car, I try to keep something close to me that helps me remember the importance of time. These things can be photos, notes that I've written, or a book.
One of my favorite books, given to me long ago by a friend, is a book of hours. It's a simple set of pages separated into days of the week and then into specific hours of each day. I've had the book 10 years now and haven't started or finished it. My practice is to pick up the book when I think about it and turn to the page that represents the day and time best. Today, I picked up the book and turned to Monday, Noon. There I found a piece written by John Burroughs.
An excerpt that means a lot to me:
Nature-love as Emerson knew it, and as Wordsworth knew it, and as any of the choicer spirits of our time have known it, has distinctly a religious value. It does not come to a man or a woman who is wholly absorbed in selfish or worldly or material ends. Except ye become in a measure as little children, ye cannot enter the kingdom of Nature - as Audubon entered it, as Thoreau entered it, as Bryant and Amiel entered it, and as all those enter it who make it a resource in their lives and an instrument of their culture.
John Burroughs, American (1837-1921)

Monday, June 14, 2010
Open House

This is one you really should visit. I was knocked over by the sensitive design of the interiors and careful placement of objets d’art.
Alan Ingram
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
What inspires you?
When will it stop? When will we just be able to take a breath? For goodness sake, my 3 year old wants to know if she'll be able to swim in the ocean this summer. She wants to know why the oil is in the Gulf.
It breaks my heart to listen to the reports each day. It's one of the reasons my wife and I long ago rid our house of cable and TV. We get all the news we need from reports via the internet or the newspapers. Even that is overload at times.
Back to my title for this entry - with all of this bad news, how do we keep going? Why do we keep going? For me there are so many reasons that I keep hope close to me. These are the same reasons I get up each day and have a cup of coffee and try my best to do my bit to make this life meaningful. It's not a simple time but my reasons are simple:

Friday, May 28, 2010
House 4 Sale
I've been a painter, a builder, a lawn mowing nut, a garage organizing wild man. You get the idea. If I have learned anything it's this: live in your house the way you want it from the very first day.
With this said, my wife and I, along with our daughters, live in one of the coolest houses I've ever seen. We're thankful we've had the experience and time to get to know mid-century architecture and the lifestyle that goes along with it. When we bought the house 4 years ago, all of our family and friends said the same thing, "This house is so you." I guess it is. We've had a blast here.
But, it's time to move on and we're so excited that somebody - the right buyer - will decide to take over where we're leaving off. We've created a vibe here that permeates through you and brings on relaxation and the desire to drink a martini, or mojito, or a great big robust red wine, or for me, a hop-injected beer.
Part of readying the house for the market has included photographing the structure and the rooms inside. I have a new respect for architecture shooters. It's something I do once in a while, but for the folks that do it day in and day out, you rock.
Check out some of my selects. And if you're a mid-century lover, come buy my house.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010
A Day in the Foothills
I'm not sure why my passion for such a killer sport eventually waned. Perhaps work got in the way, maybe the transition to having a young family gave me less time for play, or maybe, like anything, I just needed a break.
Well, my break is over. It's time for my next epic ride. I can't wait to sling a little mud. See you on the trail. Until then, please enjoy a few shots from the assignment.

Friday, April 16, 2010
AIGA 20X20
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
32 Portraits in 2 Days
A few months ago, I was asked to help with the re-branding of a web site for a local financial group. I was told that I'd be photographing up to 32 advisers and support people from a local firm. I was also told that each image really needed to be exceptional and different. "We want personality", the AE emphasized.
Okay, normal people in front of a camera with sort of a time limit. Something different. Something exciting. These images needed to stand out. NO PROBLEM.
With my wonderful producer, Rosemary, we set out to put together the perfect scenario. We needed a few things: A space in the firm's office large enough for backgrounds and lighting, time, a stylist, assistants, and the freedom to work with each subject until we got it.
Can you believe we got it all? And, to boot, these normal people were anything but normal. Each one, perfect. Gorgeous and handsome. Great clothes.
Best of all I was able to work with an AD and AE and agency producer that let me do my job. The team from LKM rocked. Thank you so much. Let's do it again soon.