While Mike is out shooting, I (Rosemary) have the pleasure of updating the blog with his latest images and shenanigans. Mike's on a multi-day shoot capturing farmers and their produce. The gig is taking him to NC, TN, GA, and SC (I think in that order, but it's tough to keep up). This project tickles his fancy and mine too. It's refreshing to remember that some of our food does in fact come from our own state or just a state away, rather than always being flown in from another country or even continent.
Mike will give a full report or two once he returns. For now, I'll share the quick mid-trip recap he gave me today: "Hundreds of miles. Good food. Good music. Bad weather, but the locals don't seem to mind it. Think my accent is getting twangy."
Seems pretty accurate. Except the accent. Mike is, afterall, from Rock Hill so his accent probably isn't getting any twangier.
On to the images. Here's a few of my favorites that Mike sent today.

man, rose, i didn't think you knew how to blog. next thing you know he'll have you tweeting for him. or you could randomly stick post-its on doors in charlotte!