26 degrees. 40 feet above asphalt. Thank goodness no wind or rain. A great Art Director and Creative Director. There are times that it all just comes together.
Mike Carroll Photography, inc
Just recently I had an opportunity to shoot for an incredible organization, Flashes of Hope. Having lost a father to cancer and having personally battled cancer, I have been impacted heavily by this horrible disease. As a photographer giving back to others affected by cancer, I have been given a feeling of hope and healing.
Thank you so much, Flashes of Hope, for an awesome experience.
When I said, “Hang out in the Green Room,” I think Duck took it a little too far. Actually, this is one of the famous brothers from Brother’s Heating and Air waiting patiently for his turn in front of the camera. The Brothers are going GREEN. The photography from this shoot is now part of an ongoing outdoor campaign posted all around Charlotte metro.
It turned out to be only a third of the employees. Still, what an awesome project. Each employee was supposed to show 4 different emotions: Elation, Angst, Desire, and Pride. Two days of shooting for 8 hours a day at Muzak headquarters and we did it. Then last week we completed three days of shooting folks at GlobalShop in